Topic B Discussion



Less than a month away from the conference and super excited to see y’all. In the interim, I wanted to take a deeper dive into our second topic, American Leadership of the Global Stage, specifically looking at its role in next-generation networks through the article “The Strategic Imperative of U.S. Leadership in Next-Generation Networks”. Some key takes brought up in this article include:

  • Telecommunications regulations should be used as a tool against powers like China and Russia which use the flow and transfer of information to maintain control and authority

  • Delays in making 5G accessible in the US could slow innovation, analogous to what happened in Europe where over-regulation resulted in a slow rollout for 3G, 4G, and now 5G

  • “...the United States should double down on its 5G leadership so that the innovation-oriented values of democracies prevail over the PRC’s control-oriented authoritarianism and government-dominated industrial policy.”

  • 5G development in the US “promote[s] human rights, individual freedoms, competitive free markets, and representative democratic governments”

  • 5G development in the PRC, Russia, and other authoritarian governments is used as “tools for suppressing their citizens and controlling their societies…vehicles for predatory, anti-competitive commercial practices”

In reading this article, a few questions that should be asked include:

  • Who is the author of this article, and what is the general political stance of the Center for Strategic International Studies? How does that affect this author’s analysis of the 5G market?

  • What differentiates the US from the authoritarian governments cited in the article?

  • How does 5G supremacy change innovation? Is this change tangible?

There are definitely many other facets of this discussion to explore besides those listed above, and I encourage you to do so! Hoping to read your thoughts on this!

Sanjay Rangavajjhala

Vice Chair, Senate



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